We had a great time at the Run to Victory. But, if he's honest, I think the most fun he had was talking cars with Richard and Kyle.
So, I'm 59 years old today. Good Grief. At least I'm not in a new age group. Or maybe it would be better if I was. If I was trying to compete I'd be up against all those 55 year-old YOUNGSTERS.
I have no idea what being 59 means. I remember what I thought 59 was. I remember my grandparents when THEY were 59. I remember my parents, too. And they seemed OLD.
Maybe it's because there's still so much I want to do that I'm not ready to give in to being "old". I mean, when an icon of my generation like Dennis Hopper is out selling financial services for retirement, how can I be old?
But, it's fair to say that I've reflected more as this birthday approached than many in the past. Something, I suppose, of knowing that this is the last 12 months of even pretending that I'm not out of what most would consider "middle-aged". I am, in fact, one of that growing number of aging baby boomers that seems to scare the poop out of the politicians. But I can guarantee you that I will not be going gracefully into my golden years.
I'm not as young as I once was, but I am as youthful as I ever was. Life still seems to be more interesting every year. If I'm over the hill then at least I'm picking up speed.
Today I'll run some, write some, and sleep some. Why not???
Waddle on,