Friday, November 18, 2005

Time and Travel and Tunes

ORN: 11/17-18, 0

Missed the last two days. Not so much because I wanted to, but because my schedule just got so crowded there wasn't time. I'm not sure what this will mean to my overall training schedule, but we'll see.

The truth is I'm STILL having a tough time getting fired-up about training. I want to do the Goofy challenge, but just don't know if I have the heart to get ready for it.

** Running Tunes: My iPod is a pretty ecclectic combination of artists, genres, and eras. I've got some old Chicago [Lowdown] and Blood, Sweat, and Tears [Lucretia Mac Evil] and Creedence Clearwater Revival [Lookin' Out My Backdoor].

I've got some Melissa Etheridge, Eric Clapton, and Steely Dan, right there with the Gypsy Kings and Sting. But I've got a LOT of Paul Simon, both old stuff and new.

Waddle on, friends.


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