Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Walking it off

ORN: 7/12/05: 3 miles 5/1, 1 mile walk

I used to live in the Washington, DC area but that was long before I was a runner. I remember the summers being hot [we played 3 outdoor concerts every week during my Army Band years] but in those days there always seemed to be enough beer around to cool me off.

Not today! The goal was a 4 mile run along the Potomac river. The trail goes past the airport and has some fantastic views of the monuments. And, if you're lucky, a plane will land or take off right over your head. I had my Garmin so I could be SURE that I was getting the 4 miles.

Everything went fine on the way out, although it did seem pretty hot to me. I turned around a 2 miles and noticed I was starting to get REALLY hot. OK, yes, I forgot to take ANYTHING to drink, but usually 4 miles is inside my window.

At mile 3.07 I was DONE. I tried to "jog" the downhills for awhile but even that didn't work. Eventually I just gave it up and walked back.

It happens. To me, to the pros, and it will happen to you. Tomorrow is another day. I'll need to get up and out earlier.

Waddle on, friends.



Anonymous said...

So glad I'm not the only one. I always thought anything within an hour was "safe" until last week. The weather here has been hot and I was NOT prepared for the draining power of the sun. I should really learn to get along with early mornings.

Dawn - Pink Chick Tris said...

I am bad for not running earlier when it is cool. I just like lazy mornings. I do however always rememer to stick some "water" money in my pocket/pouch just in case I really need a drink somewhere along the way.

Anonymous said...

Me, too...went out in the late morning (11:30) for a 6 miler, a couple of weeks ago, down by the river...thought it would be cool enough & safe enough to go out without a water bottle...bad idea. Between the heat & high humidity(Atlanta), I was struggling at the halfway point, but I was determined to get the miles in...at the 5 mile point, I was able to stop at the rest room on the trail & guzzle some water & rinse off my face...felt alot better & was able to finish the run. (I had Powerade, water, & a banana waiting for me in the car.) I am now the proud owner of a water belt - won't be leaving home without it!!!!!(No matter how many miles or minutes!!!)